Creative Edge Group

You've Come To The Right Place

We Help Arts Organizations Build Scalable Measurable Sustainable Growth​

The missing piece of your marketing puzzle. 
We’ve learned by doing. Perfect-fit performance marketing to supercharge new leads, audiences, and paid ticket buyers.


Business Strategy​

Our dedicated team of strategists dives deep into your organization’s DNA to develop tailored strategies that drive results. Whether you’re a startup looking to disrupt the market or an established enterprise seeking growth, we have the edge you need to grow your customer base, increase revenues, and achieve meaningful results.


Business Strategy​

Our dedicated team of strategists dives deep into your organization’s DNA to develop tailored strategies that drive results. Whether you’re a startup looking to disrupt the market or an established enterprise seeking growth, we have the edge you need to grow your customer base, increase revenues, and achieve meaningful results.

Our Expertise


Digital Marketing

We excel in crafting data-driven digital marketing campaigns that boost your brand's visibility, engage your audience, and drive measurable results. CEG excels at creating end-to-end funnels allowing organizational missions to scale new heights.


Why You Should Care

Digital marketing is more than just putting out or boosting Facebook ads. The most successful campaigns are crafted around end-to-end funnels: We build engagement points with intentionally targeted audiences and draw them into a custom environment optimized to convert them into believers.

Creative Edge Group crafts high converting end-to-end funnels with proven results. If you are looking to grow a new paying audience for your arts organization, you need to be talking to CEG.


Who This Is For

If you present events (live or online) and sell tickets, we can support you at every level. We have plans from setting you up for success (Digital Marketing Capacity Setup) to full-service management of your entire digital marketing funnel.

New Audiences

Why This Works​

CEG’s expertise is in getting you a new buying public. Your marketing department comprises experts who steward and grow your loyal and past audiences, as well as growing this audience set.

We don’t get in your way here. We open up a new lane.

There is a sophisticated, delicate ecosystem of activity which requires the dedicated experience and skills of your staff.

CEG targets new audiences who are not your customers through our time-tested methodology excludes any individuals who have visited your website in the last 180 days and any individuals on your custom lists (like mailing lists) from our powerful ad campaigns.

CEG is your full-service solution to achieving powerful digital marketing for one single purpose: Building a new market for your offering.

Why Choose Creative Edge Group?


We believe in partnership. Your success is our success, and we work closely with you to ensure our strategies and campaigns align seamlessly with your vision. 

Data-Driven Approach

Numbers don’t lie. We rely on data and analytics to make informed decisions, continuously optimizing our efforts for the best possible outcomes. 


In a rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead requires innovation. We pride ourselves on thinking creatively and adapting to industry trends. 


Digital Marketing


Our team of industry-leading marketers, graphic designers, researchers, and copywriters target and attract new potential buyers for you. Our clients have seen both organic content (for ex. Upgrade Learning’s 1.2 million views) and paid ads bringing in hundreds of thousands of interested audiences.

Our ads regularly receive 1.75x to 2x the normal Click-Through Rates (CTR) of industry standards.

From dazzling videos and images to authentic, organic personalized clips, CEG finds you the audiences who are just waiting to be aware of your offering. 


With CEG’s proven record for targeting the right audiences to your offering, CEG brings them into a bespoke and highly-iterative funnel. By creating several sales pages for different targeted customer streams, they enter into a world where your offering is best understood in their language, interests, and preferences.

With state-of-the-art behaviour tracking from three different platforms, CEG analyzes and records visitor behaviour. Any issues which negatively affect a purchase will be identified and addressed. CEG makes adjustments to respond to audience reactions.

New sales pages may be made to address target audiences’ most common objections or answer their most common questions.

No more stress about website changes confusing your loyal patrons. Only select and newly targeted audiences will be invited into the CEG funnel. 


From video and image ad creation, execution of strategic campaigns, and visitor behaviour tracking to the testing and optimizing purchases through the check-out page, CEG does it all. Whether it’s expanding your mailing and lead lists or converting ticket purchases, CEG delivers proven results.

When you sign on with CEG, you enter a proprietary onboarding process identifying and setting your conversion goals and organizing the assets, instruments, and processes to achieve these goals. After your first 10 purchase conversions, CEG will report which ads are performing, which metrics look promising, and how to tell the difference.

The Lowdown

In A Nutshell

A potential new audience might not understand the customs, language, and other information your loyal base has acquired over years of participating in your organization’s offerings. 

Our clients are often surprised at what has turned away new audiences. Anxiety, discomfort with the unknown, and uncertainty drive them away. Organizations might expound on the greatness of a certain composer and assume it’s universally understood. They offer a potential buyer a seating chart when they are struggling to know what even to wear. Yet overexplaining to your loyal patrons and changes can have negative effects as well. 

CEG’s distinct, end-to-end funnels address this gap and acclimates new audiences in an optimal way.

Dive Deeper

Case Study

At Music in the Morning Concert Society, a two-week spend of just under $1,400 resulted in 34 subscription purchases from new subscribers.

With the lowest subscription package priced at $320, a $1,398.61 ad spend resulted in $10,880 new revenues.

This is a 586% Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). 

Just Starting

Just Starting Out?

What if you’re just starting out? Can you and your organization achieve these kinds of results? Do you see the potential in Facebook and Instagram, but realize the learning curve is just too steep?

First, this is understandable. Few organizations use these platforms correctly as the technology is rapidly evolving and complex. Unfortunately, this has led many organizations to conclude social media campaigns are meant for awareness only. Or that successful campaigns are flukes.

CEG has a special starter package to set you up with an ad account, website, tracking UTMs, Pixel, and Conversion API — only the things you need to get begin gathering data and gaining paying customers.

Reach out for a free consultation. Even if your mailing list has less than 1,000 individuals, CEG can show you how to grow paying audiences who are interested in your unique offering. 

Get In Touch​

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. If you have questions about Creative Edge Group and how it might be a solution for the opportunities and challenges you face, please reach out to let us know.

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It’s very important to note that this a two-week campaign and this type of ROAS is not a guarantee. Another example from a different campaign demonstrates a Cost Per Result closer to $57. In addition, one MitM single ticket campaign shows a Cost Per Result of $43 where the single ticket prices were only $25. However, $18 a customer cannot be written off immediately as negative. 

Depending on organizational mission, strategy, and analysis of your organization’s average life-time value (LTV), paying for new audience member may prove ideal in certain circumstances.

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